
Healthy Energy Protein Bars

Healthy, easy and 0 sugar. Energy protein bars to eat. Energy snack for HIIT workout. Energy your body needs to work daily, burn calories + good for weight loss. I shared my new snack video recipe.

This healthy energy snack is rich in nutrient | 0 sugar – with – honey | High protein bars is super quick, delicious and easy energy snack to make at home. No bake needed. Only 3 ingredients. in 5 mins. When you try this healthy energy snack recipe gives you immune boost to your body, quick energy for you.

Healthy Energy Protein Bars

Recipe by CheffoodiecastCuisine: SnacksDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Chill time



3 Ingredients

  • 1 Cup Crunchy Peanut Butter

  • ¾ Cup Honey

  • 3½ Cups Muesli


  • Transfer 1 cup of crunchy peanut butter in a microwave safe bowl
  • Place in microwave for 30 seconds
  • Add ¾ Cup Honey
  • Add 3½ Cups Muesli
  • Mix together then transfer to a pan lined with parchment paper
  • Compress and make flat
  • Cover with parchment paper and smoothen
  • Keep in fridge for 2 to 3 hours
  • Cut into bars and serve

Recipe Video

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