The Perfect Cheesecake For Christmas

Making cheesecake for Christmas is a tradition that many families share. But, not all cheesecake recipes are created equal! In this video, we’ll show you the perfect cheesecake recipe for the season, from start to finish.

So, whether you’re looking for the perfect cheesecake recipe for your family or you’re just looking to impress your friends and neighbors this Christmas, we’ve got you covered! Watch this video and learn how to make the perfect cheesecake for Christmas!

The Perfect Cheesecake For Christmas

Recipe by CheffoodiecastCuisine: Christmas DessertDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Total time






  • 200 g Digestive Biscuits

  • 75 g Butter (Melted)

  • 46 Chocolate fingers

  • 200 g Full fat cream cheese + 100 g Caster Sugar

  • 500 ml Cream

  • 350g Frozen Strawberries + 50 g Caster Sugar

  • 1/4 Cup Water

  • 1 Teaspoon Red food Color (Optional)

  • 2 Tablespoon gelatin + 1 Cup Water

  • 40 g Chopped Dark Chocolate


  • Blend digestive biscuits and transfer to a bowl
  • Add melted butter and mix then transfer to a spring form pan
  • Compress the blend digestive biscuits and butter mix to form the base
  • Place chocolate fingers around pan
  • Add gelatin to cold water and let stand for 1 minute
  • Mix and place in the microwave for 40-60 seconds
  • Stir until gelatin is dissolved in water
  • Blend frozen strawberries and 50 g sugar with 1/4 Cup water. Red food color (Optional)
  • Mix cream cheese and 100 g sugar then add cream as you whisk
  • Add 1/2 of gelatin mix and whip to soft peak
  • Add the remaining gelatin mix to the strawberry mix
  • Pour both mix in the pan and swirl together with a skewer
  • Top with chopped chocolate and keep in fridge for 6 hours to set

Recipe Video

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